General - Meteora

In this section we will present charts that depict the activity of Instagram Users in the area of Meteora for a specific time period.

Query Words: Meteora Instagram Posts Places Regions TTLS

Posts per Date

Contains the count of posts submitted every month during the researching period.

Sentiment per posts

Contains information about the sentiment of the total posts. Neutral sentiment is not included.

Sentiment per month

Contains information about the sentiment of the posts per month.



2512 Instagram Posts


1051 Instagram users


6864 Instagram hashtags


6024 distinct words

05/01/2019 to 01/04/2021

The time frame of the data is 27 months

Sentiment: Positive

The overall score of our sentiment analysis indicated the main sentiment of the users was Positive.

Most Frequent Terms

Contains the most frequent distinct words as extracted from the final data during the researching period.

# Word Frequency
1 meteora 446
2 monastery 139
3 greece 129
4 rock 74
5 place 61
6 view 47
7 sunset 41
8 like 36
9 amazing 34
10 beautiful 27

Most Frequent Hashtags

Contains the most frequent distinct hashtags as extracted from the final data. The table shows the top10 of the hashtags along with their frequencies.

# Word Frequency
1 #visitmeteora 2179
2 #meteora 1699
3 #greece 1339
4 #meteoragreece 1250
5 #visitgreece 1131
6 #travel 534
7 #travelphotography 525
8 #meteoramonastery 439
9 #kalambaka 374
10 #natura 286

Data Availability

Click below to download the csv files, containing info about the locations, relative terms and hashtags.

Hashtags Terms