General - Thessaloniki

In this section we will present charts that depict the activity of Instagram Users in the area of Meteora for a specific time period.

Query Words: Thessaloniki Instagram Posts Places Regions TTLS

Posts per Date

Contains the count of posts submitted every month during the researching period.

Sentiment per posts

Contains information about the sentiment of the total posts. Neutral sentiment is not included.

Sentiment per month

Contains information about the sentiment of the posts per month.



738 Instagram Posts


207 Instagram users


2241 Instagram hashtags


3665 distinct words

21/01/2021 to 23/04/2021

The time frame of the data is almost 3 months

Sentiment: Positive

The overall score of our sentiment analysis indicated the main sentiment of the users was Positive.

Most Frequent Terms

Contains the most frequent distinct words as extracted from the final data during the researching period.

# Word Frequency
1 thessaloniki 102
2 photo 76
3 city 56
4 follow 39
5 shot 28
6 like 25
7 greece 23
8 time 22
9 people 17
10 travel 16

Most Frequent Hashtags

Contains the most frequent distinct hashtags as extracted from the final data. The table shows the top10 of the hashtags along with their frequencies.

# Word Frequency
1 #visitthessaloniki 623
2 #thessaloniki 498
3 #skg 383
4 #greece 323
5 #skgstories 286
6 #thessalonikimou 285
7 #visitgreece 283
8 #thessaloniki_city 225
9 #skg_stories 217
10 #skg_explorers 213

Data Availability

Click below to download the csv files, containing info about the locations, relative terms and hashtags.

Hashtags per Location Terms per Location